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smd rectifier 40V / 0,5 A - 10 Stück
smd rectifier 40 V / 0,5 A
3mm LED rund mit Vorwiderstand - BLAU - 10 Stück
3mm LED rund - BLAU - mit eingebautem 470 OHM Vorwiderstand ...
3mm LED rund mit Vorwiderstand - GELB - 10 Stück
3mm LED rund - GELB - mit eingebautem 470 OHM Vorwiderstand ...
3mm LED rund mit Vorwiderstand - HELLBLAU - 10 Stück
3mm LED rund - HELLBLAU - mit eingebautem 470 OHM ...
3mm LED rund mit Vorwiderstand - JADE GRÜN - 10 Stück
3mm LED rund - JADE GRÜN - mit eingebautem 470 OHM ...
3mm LED rund mit Vorwiderstand - KALTWEISS - 10 Stück
3mm LED rund - KALTWEISS - mit eingebautem 470 OHM ...
3mm LED rund mit Vorwiderstand - ROT - 10 Stück
3mm LED rund - ROT - mit eingebautem 470 OHM Vorwiderstand ...
Candle LED - 3 mm- WARM WHITE 5 pieces
Candle LED - 3 mm- WARM WHITE 5 pieces
Candle LED - Flacker LED 5mm - KALT WEISS 5 Stück
Candle LED -Flacker LED - KALT WEISS - 5 Stück
Candle LED - Flacker LED 5mm - WARM WEISS 5 Stück
Candle LED -Flacker LED - WARM WEISS - 5 Stück
Candle LED - Flicker LED 3 mm- PURPLE(UV) 5 pieces
Candle LED -Flacker LED 3mm - PURPLE(UV) - 5 pieces
Enamelled copper wire 0,15mm - RED - 500g 1 roll
Enamelled copper wire 0,15mm diameter - 500g 1 roll red
Enamelled copper wire 0.15mm - BLUE - 500g 1 roll
Enamelled copper wire 0,15mm diameter - 500g 1 roll blue
Enamelled copper wire 0.15mm - COPPER - 500g 1 roll
Enamelled copper wire 0,15mm diameter - 500g 1 roll copper
Enamelled copper wire 0.15mm - GREEN - 500g 1 roll
Enamelled copper wire 0,15mm diameter - 500g 1 roll green
IR emitting diode IR19-21C 0603 pre-wired - 10 pieces
10 pieces SMD IR emitting diode IR19-21CB type 0603 - ...
IR emitting diode IR19-21C 0603 pre-wired - 100 pieces
100 pieces SMD IR emitting diode IR19-21C type 0603 - ...
IR emitting diode IR19-21C 0603 wired - 1 piece
SMD IR transmitter diode IR19-21C type 0603 - leaded with ...
IR emitting diode IR19-21C 0603 wired - 1 piece
SMD IR transmitter diode IR19-21C type 0603 - leaded with ...
IR emitting diode IR19-21C 0603 wired - 1 piece
SMD IR transmitter diode IR19-21C type 0603 - leaded with ...
IR receiver PT19-21B/L41 0603 pre-wired - 1 piece
SMD IR Transisitor PT19-21B/L41 style 0603 - pre-wired with ...
IR receiver PT19-21B/L41 0603 pre-wired - 1 piece
SMD IR Transisitor PT19-21B/L41 style 0603 - pre-wired with ...
IR receiver PT19-21B/L41 0603 pre-wired - 1 piece
SMD IR Transisitor PT19-21B/L41 style 0603 - pre-wired with ...
IR receiver PT19-21B/L41 0603 pre-wired - 10 pieces
10 pieces SMD IR Transisitor PT19-21B/L41 type 0603 - wired ...
IR Receiver PT19-21B/L41 0603 pre-wired - 100 pieces
100 pieces SMD IR Transisitor PT19-21B/L41 style 0603 - ...